The launch is a critical milestone in the lifecycle of a podcast. This is when the public can experience a show for the first time and podcasters get real listener feedback for the first time.

But the launch is not necessarily where we see the biggest influx of people to the show — we typically see podcast growth over time as part of a long-term investment into audio. However, leading up to the release of a show any podcaster has to make a number of decisions that will impact its sustainable success.

Some of the questions that Bumper helps answer:

  • What podcast hosting provider is right for my podcast?

  • What podcast production companies are best suited for my show?

  • What measurement setup do I need to best analyze the success of my show?

  • How should I use owned channels to convert my existing network into listeners?

  • What audiences should I go after?

  • What other podcasts is my desired audience listening to?

  • What is the role of paid media in a podcast launch?

  • How does video fit into my launch plan?

  • How can I make sure that other podcasts promote my show?

  • How is the packaging of my show (artwork, name, descriptions, etc) contributing to its success?

Bumper gets involved whenever to make sense for our clients. Sometimes that’s when the podcast is being developed initially and other times it’s when the podcast is already fully produced.

We can come on board at any time to make sure a podcast is launching successfully.

Launch Support

Bumper’s Services


Customized Measurement


Audio Strategy